Grand Opening in Lutz

Grand Opening in Lutz

  Tampa Bay Music Academy is excited to announce that we are moving to a new location!  Our years on Tarpon Springs Road have been wonderful and have brought many students into our TBMA family.  We will miss Odessa, but we are not moving far!  Our new home will...
Meet the New Teacher: Amy Hoag

Meet the New Teacher: Amy Hoag

Tampa Bay Music Academy is pleased to welcome Amy Hoag as our newest piano and flute teacher! With more than ten years of experience teaching private lessons, Amy has developed a positive, interactive approach that seeks to develop a love for music in her students...
Meet the New Teacher: Kristen Allen

Meet the New Teacher: Kristen Allen

Tampa Bay Music Academy extends a hearty welcome to Kristen Allen, our newest music professor! Kristen teaches voice and piano, and her students quickly pick up on her love for music as she helps them develop their talents. She earned her master’s degree in music...
Meet the New Teacher: Sara Maniscalco

Meet the New Teacher: Sara Maniscalco

Tampa Bay Music Academy is excited to welcome Sara Maniscalco to our teaching staff! Sara joins us from New York where she spent several years as a faculty member at Westminster Conservatory of Princeton and will be teaching piano for TBMA. She has a master’s degree...